Friday, July 28, 2006

School Days Memoirs

I still remember my college days and yeah, i miss it… Oh well, just a few months and I will be back in college anyway… to finally be what I always want to be… either a Scientist, an Architect or an Engineer! A dream I kept for a long time…

I used to always tell people that I would like to be a lawyer. I thought I really wanted to. I tried hard…

I passed the entrance exam of the premier university of the country, took one of the best pre-law courses in college and even joined the UP Pre-Law Society. You see, I did my best. Only to realize that I only wanted my dad to be happy… but my heart longs for something else… it’s not a profession for me… nor am I for that profession… Sour graping? Nah!

Way back in High School, I loved the subjects what most of my classmates hate… Mathematics, Statistics, Physics… and Drafting… I must admit I had attendance issues in my drafting class but that was because I didn’t like my teacher. I still don’t know why he loved to give my works poor grades while he gave his favorite students high grades… when it was me who also made their projects… it was me who conceptualized their designs… and even draw it using my own hands. Favoritism. It sucks! Truth be told but I deserved more than just a passing mark…

High School days… most of the people I know love it. I guess it is always thought of as happy days in Philippine culture. But for me, it sucks! I don’t remember any happy moments of my teenage or high school life. I never had real girl friends. Most of my friends were guys… they treated me as one of the boys and I felt the same way… Worst, I thought I was lesbian…

Hmmm… nuff of musing! I may or may not write a follow up blog on this… maybe I will after a poem for my sweetheart…

1st Published in my Friendster Account on July 28, 2006

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