Monday, January 12, 2009


Yes it was again a sleepless night. It is not unussual for me to find it difficult to sleep at night since my body clock seem to be used to be awake and working at night. I tried as much as I can not to log on to citrix because I knew that if I would, I would find myself working the whole night again in my supposed to be rest day, or say night. Well, I still did though... Good thing that some tools didn't work so after checking and responding to some urgent emails, I logged off.

I didn't turn off my PC though. I remained logged on to a chat engine then a message popped. It was an officemate in Austin, TX. Our chat didn't last long but it left me musing for quite a time... After a few hi and hellos and Filipino to English translations for him, out of nowhere, he told me to "forcefully" find someone to settle down with... just when I just decided not to think about it and just focus on my career...

No matter how many times I say I am okay, I just couldn't convince him as well as myself that I am indeed okay. He must be right. It must be time to eagerly look for someone and settle down. Besides, it has been in my wishlist for years.

Hmmm... I have someone in mind... someone so dear to me... someone I am very comfortable with... unfortunately, I feel like he's just not into me... Sigh!

Initially published in my MySpace Blog on January 12, 2009 at 4:51 PM